▼NSRL | Saturn ring library |
▼NBitmap | Bitmap loading |
CBitmapInfo | Bitmap information |
CIBitmap | Basic bitmap interface |
CPalette | Color palette loaded from bitmap |
▼CTGA | TGA image handling |
CLoaderSettings | Settings for TGA loader |
▼NInput | Input handling |
CAnalog | Generic analog peripheral |
CDigital | Generic digital peripheral |
CGun | Light gun peripheral |
CManagement | Peripheral management |
CPeripheralGeneric | Generic peripheral base |
CPointer | Generic pointing (mouse) peripheral |
▼NLogger | Logger namespace that holds the logger functionality |
▼CLog | Log class |
CLogLevelHelper | Log levels helper class |
▼NMath | SaturnMath++ library functions |
▼NTypes | |
CAngle | Efficient 16-bit angle representation optimized for Saturn hardware |
CEulerAngles | Represents three rotation angles in Euler angle format. Uses the intrinsic Tait-Bryan angles with the order X-Y-Z (pitch-yaw-roll) |
CFrustum | View frustum for camera culling in 3D space |
CFxp | Fixed-point arithmetic optimized for Saturn hardware |
CMatrix33 | 3x3 matrix for 3D transformations and rotations |
CMatrix43 | 4x3 matrix optimized for 3D transformations. Inherits rotation from Matrix33 and adds translation. Last row [0,0,0,1] is implicit for memory efficiency |
CMatrixStack | |
CPlane | Infinite plane in 3D space defined by normal and distance |
CShape | Base class for geometric shapes |
CSphere | Perfect sphere defined by center and radius |
CVector2D | A struct for two-dimensional fixed-point vector arithmetic operations |
CVector3D | A struct for three-dimensional fixed-point vector arithmetic operations |
CInteger | Integer-specific utility functions optimized for performance |
CInterpolation | Class containing interpolation and easing functions optimized for fixed-point arithmetic |
CRandom | Pseudo-Random number generator |
CTrigonometry | Core trigonometric functionality using fixed-point arithmetic |
▼NSGL | SGL helpers |
CSglType | SGL type helper |
▼NSound | Sound handling |
▼CCdda | CD audio playback |
►CAnalysis | CD audio analysis |
CHardware | Sound hardware handling |
▼CPcm | PCM playback |
CIPcmFile | Base PCM file interface |
CRawPcm | Raw PCM sound |
CWaveSound | Wave sound effect |
▼NTilemap | VDP2 tilemap interface and utilities |
▼NInterfaces | Sample interfaces for loading tilemaps |
CBmp2Tile | Interface to Convert Bitmap Image into Tilemap |
CCubeTile | Test implementation of ITilemap interface for Loading Cubecat binary format for cel/map/pal data |
CSGLTile | SGL tilemap interface using the (cell, map, palette) arrays in a .C file |
CCoord | Unsigned 8 bit coordinates for tiles withing a page of a tilemap |
CITilemap | Virtual interface for tilemap |
CTilemapInfo | All the info necessary to properly configure VDP2 tilemap data in VRAM |
▼NTypes | Value types |
CAttribute | Face attributes |
CDateTime | Time management |
CEvent | Event delegate |
▼CHighColor | Color in ABGR1555 format |
CColors | Predefined colors |
CITask | Abstract class that defines the class prototype to implement a Task that runs on Slave SH2 |
CMemberProxy | This proxy is used to interface with member functions |
CMesh | 3D mesh |
CPolygon | Mesh polygon |
CSmoothMesh | 3D smooths mesh |
▼CTrueColor | Color in ABGR1888 format |
CColors | Predefined colors |
CASCII | Interface for displaying ASCII text. Currently a direct replacement for slPrint. It removes any possible dependency on NBG0 system variables and displays 4bpp fonts to reduce required memory. Allows Storing and displaying up to 6 fonts and 8 color pallets |
▼CCd | File and CD access wrapper |
CFile | Disk file |
CFileSize | File size |
▼CTableOfContents | Table of contents of the CD |
CSession | Session data |
CTrackInformation | Track information data |
CTrackLocation | Track location data |
CCore | Core functions of the library |
▼CCRAM | Color RAM management |
CPalette | Color palette in color RAM |
CDebug | Debug helper |
▼CMemory | Dynamic memory management |
CCartRam | Malloc for expansion cart RAM |
CHighWorkRam | Malloc for main system RAM |
CLowWorkRam | Malloc for slower system RAM |
CReport | Contains report of the state |
CScene2D | Rendering of VDP1 sprites and shapes |
CScene3D | Rendering of 3D objects |
CSlave | Core functions of the library |
CTV | Contains TV resolutions |
▼CVDP1 | VDP1 control functions |
CTexture | VDP1 texture |
CTextureMetadata | Metadata for texture |
▼CVDP2 | VDP2 control |
CNBG0 | NBG0 interface |
CNBG1 | NBG1 interface |
CNBG2 | NBG2 interface |
CNBG3 | NBG3 interface |
CRBG0 | RBG0 interface |
CScrollScreen | Functionality available to all Scroll Screen interfaces |
CSpriteLayer | Interface to control VDP2 settings for the Sprite Layer (data from VDP1 framebuffer), such as Display priority and VDP2 color calculation) |
CVRAM | Manages VDP2 VRAM allocation |