SaturnRingLibrary 0.7
SGL wrapper
No Matches
SRL::VDP2::NBG0 Class Reference

Detailed Description

NBG0 interface.

#include <srl_vdp2.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for SRL::VDP2::NBG0:
SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0, scnNBG0, NBG0ON >

Static Public Member Functions

static void * GetCellAddress ()
 Gets the starting address in VRAM of Cel data allocated to this scroll.
static uint32_t GetCellOffset (SRL::Tilemap::TilemapInfo &tile, void *cellAddress)
 Compute the offset that must be added to map data When Corresponding Cel Data does not start on a VRAM bank boundary.
static void * GetMapAddress ()
 Gets the starting address in VRAM of Map data allocated to this scroll.
static void * GetPageAddress (uint8_t index)
 returns the VRAM Address of the specified page number in a scroll's Page Table or nullptr if the requested page is outside of allocated Map Bounds
static uint32_t GetPalOffset (int8_t paletteID=-1)
 Gets the Pallet Bank That must be included in Map Data to Reference a Palette in CRAM.
static void * GetPlaneAddress (uint8_t index)
 Gets the VRAM Address of the specified plane in a scroll's Page Table (units of 1x1, 2x1, or 2x2 pages)
static void Init (SRL::Tilemap::TilemapInfo &info)
 Initializes the ScrollScreen's tilemap specifications.
static void LoadTilemap (SRL::Tilemap::ITilemap &tilemap)
 Loads Tilemap data to VRAM using ITilemap Interface and configures the Scroll Screen to use it.
static void ScrollDisable ()
 Removes the Scroll Screen from VDP2 cycle pattern register to disable display.
static void ScrollEnable ()
 Registers Scroll in VDP2 cycle pattern to enable display of this Scroll Screen.
static void * SetCellAddress (void *address, int size)
 Manually Sets VRAM area for Cell Data (Advanced Use Cases)
static void * SetMapAddress (void *Address, int Size)
 Manually Sets VRAM area for Map Data (Advanced Use Cases)
static void SetMapLayout (uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c, uint8_t d)
 Manually set the Plane layout of a Scroll Screen.
static void SetOpacity (Math::Fxp opacity=1.0)
 Set the opacity of a scroll screen.
static void SetPlanes (void *a, void *b, void *c, void *d)
 Set the 2x2 grid of planes for the layer.
static void SetPosition (Math::Vector2D &pos)
 Sets the Screen Position of NBG Scroll Screen.
static void SetPriority (SRL::VDP2::Priority pr)
 Set the Display Priority of a Scroll Screen.
static void SetScale (Math::Vector2D &scl)
 Sets the Scale of NBG0 Screen display.

Static Public Attributes

static void * CellAddress
 VRAM Address to start of Cell data when displying Tilemap or Bitmap data when using bitmaps.
static int CellAllocSize
static Tilemap::TilemapInfo Info
 Tilemap config info for the ScrollScreen.
static void * LineAddress = (void*)(VDP2_VRAM_A0 - 1)
 VRAM address of line scroll table.
static void * MapAddress
 VRAM Address of ScrollScreen's Map data when displaying Tilemap.
static int MapAllocSize
 Size of manually allocated VRAM for Map Data.
static constexpr int16_t ScreenID
 SGL identifier for the ScrollScreen.
static constexpr uint16_t ScreenON
 SGL flag for the ScrollScreen.
static CRAM::Palette TilePalette
 CRAM Pallet for the ScrollScreen.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetCellAddress()

static void * SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::GetCellAddress ( )

Gets the starting address in VRAM of Cel data allocated to this scroll.

Address of Cel data
Returns starting address of bitmap when displaying Bitmap Scroll

◆ GetCellOffset()

static uint32_t SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::GetCellOffset ( SRL::Tilemap::TilemapInfo & tile,
void * cellAddress )

Compute the offset that must be added to map data When Corresponding Cel Data does not start on a VRAM bank boundary.

tileThe data configuration of the tilemap
cellAddressAddress of corresponding Cel Data in VRAM (must be a 32 byte boundary)
The Cel Offset to add to to map data

◆ GetMapAddress()

static void * SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::GetMapAddress ( )

Gets the starting address in VRAM of Map data allocated to this scroll.

Address of Map data

◆ GetPageAddress()

static void * SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::GetPageAddress ( uint8_t index)

returns the VRAM Address of the specified page number in a scroll's Page Table or nullptr if the requested page is outside of allocated Map Bounds

indexThe index of desired page in the page table
VRAM Address of the page index

◆ GetPalOffset()

static uint32_t SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::GetPalOffset ( int8_t paletteID = -1)

Gets the Pallet Bank That must be included in Map Data to Reference a Palette in CRAM.

paletteID(optional) specify to reference an arbitrary palette, otherwise uses Id from ScrollScreen::TilePalette
The Formatted Palette ID to be included in Map Indicies to reference a specified palette

◆ GetPlaneAddress()

static void * SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::GetPlaneAddress ( uint8_t index)

Gets the VRAM Address of the specified plane in a scroll's Page Table (units of 1x1, 2x1, or 2x2 pages)

indexThe index of desired plane in page table
VRAM Address of the plane index
PlaneAddress and PageAddress are equal when Plane Size is set to 1x1

◆ Init()

static void SRL::VDP2::NBG0::Init ( SRL::Tilemap::TilemapInfo & info)

Initializes the ScrollScreen's tilemap specifications.

infoTile map info

◆ LoadTilemap()

static void SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::LoadTilemap ( SRL::Tilemap::ITilemap & tilemap)

Loads Tilemap data to VRAM using ITilemap Interface and configures the Scroll Screen to use it.

If VRAM for this ScrollScreen's data has already been allocated by the user, SRL will attempt to load to the allocated VRAM and raise assert if the Tilemap Data does not fit within the existing allocation. If VRAM was not allocated SRL will attempt to auto allocate the Tilemap data and raise assert if there is not enough VRAM available to allocate.

tilemapThe Tilemap to load
Manual VRAM allocation is for advanced use cases as is NOT verified for proper bank alignment
Does not turn Scroll Display on- once loaded use ScrollEnable() to display a Scroll Screen
It is recommended to perform loading/allocation for RBG0 before NBG0-3 screens if using it

◆ ScrollDisable()

static void SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::ScrollDisable ( )

Removes the Scroll Screen from VDP2 cycle pattern register to disable display.

Asserts when registration of a scroll fails due to cycle pattern conflicts. Possible causes: Assert should never occur here unless the user independently invoked SGL's slScrAutoDisp() with specifications differing from those tracked by SRL

◆ ScrollEnable()

static void SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::ScrollEnable ( )

Registers Scroll in VDP2 cycle pattern to enable display of this Scroll Screen.

Asserts when registration of a scroll fails due to cycle pattern conflicts. Possible causes: -Too many Scroll Layers with higher bit depth are storing data in the same VRAM bank -NBG0 or NBG1 have their minimum scale limit set too small(eg 1/2x or 1/4x scale) -NBG Data was stored in a bank reserved by RBG0 Potential conflicts are minimized when using Automatic Allocation and setting the desired scale limits of NBG0/NBG1 beforehand.

◆ SetCellAddress()

static void * SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::SetCellAddress ( void * address,
int size )

Manually Sets VRAM area for Cell Data (Advanced Use Cases)

This function manually sets an area in VRAM for a scrolls Cel Data to be loaded to. Unless the Address is obtained from VDP2::VRAM::Allocate(), the VRAM allocator will be bypassed entirely. No Checks are performed for proper data allignment or cycle conflicts. For advanced use cases only.

//Manually Set NBG0 to store 16bpp Cel Data in an 0x8000 byte region allocated in VRAM bank A1:
SRL::VDP2::NBG0::SetCelAddress(SRL::VDP2::VRAM::Allocate(0x8000,32,SRL::VDP2::VramBank::A1, 3),0x8000);
static void * Allocate(uint32_t size, uint32_t boundary, VDP2::VramBank bank, uint8_t cycles=0)
Linearly Allocates Vram in a bank.
Definition srl_vdp2.hpp:92
addressthe VRAM address of the allocation
sizethe size of the allocation
Echoes Address

◆ SetMapAddress()

static void * SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::SetMapAddress ( void * Address,
int Size )

Manually Sets VRAM area for Map Data (Advanced Use Cases)

This function manually sets an area in VRAM for a scroll's Map Data to be loaded to. Unless the Address is obtained from VDP2::VRAM::Allocate() the VRAM allocator will be bypassed entirely. No Checks are performed for proper data alignment or cycle conflicts. For advanced use cases only.

//Manually Set NBG0 to store Map Data in an 0x8000 byte region allocated in VRAM bank A1:
SRL::VDP2::NBG0::SetMapAddress(SRL::VDP2::VRAM::Allocate(0x8000,1024,SRL::VDP2::VramBank::A1, 1),0x8000);
static void * SetMapAddress(void *Address, int Size)
Manually Sets VRAM area for Map Data (Advanced Use Cases)
Definition srl_vdp2.hpp:406
Addressthe VRAM address of the allocation
Sizethe size of the allocation
Echoes Address

◆ SetMapLayout()

static void SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::SetMapLayout ( uint8_t a,
uint8_t b,
uint8_t c,
uint8_t d )

Manually set the Plane layout of a Scroll Screen.

This function manually sets the 4 planes comprising a NBG scroll screen in cases when the default plane tiling pattern is not desired.

a,b,c,dthe plane indicies of the 4 planes that will display in the normal scroll
RBG0 does not currently support multi plane patterns, so only plane [a] will be used

◆ SetOpacity()

static void SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::SetOpacity ( Math::Fxp opacity = 1.0)

Set the opacity of a scroll screen.

This Function takes the opacity specified as a fixed point value and converts it to one of the 32 color calculation ratios that a scroll screen can use (value is floored to the nearest ratio). Color Calculation is turned on if Opacity < 1.0, or off if Opacity>= 1.0. Color calculation is unchanged if value is negative.

Color ratios only apply to highest priority pixels in frame
When ColorCalcMode is set to UseColorAddition, all scrolls with opacity < 1.0 will use color addition in place of their specified ratios.
opacityFxp decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing pixel opacity for the scroll screen (Default 1.0)

◆ SetPlanes()

static void SRL::VDP2::NBG0::SetPlanes ( void * a,
void * b,
void * c,
void * d )

Set the 2x2 grid of planes for the layer.

aFirst plane
bSecond plane
cThird plane
dFourth plane

◆ SetPosition()

static void SRL::VDP2::NBG0::SetPosition ( Math::Vector2D & pos)

Sets the Screen Position of NBG Scroll Screen.

posFixed Point X and Y Screen Position

◆ SetPriority()

static void SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::SetPriority ( SRL::VDP2::Priority pr)

Set the Display Priority of a Scroll Screen.

Higher value layers display on top of lower layers
When 2 or more scroll screens are assigned the same layer, their priority resolves as SPRITE>RBG0>NBG0>NBG1>NBG2>NBG3
prThe Priority Layer for the Scroll Screen

◆ SetScale()

static void SRL::VDP2::NBG0::SetScale ( Math::Vector2D & scl)

Sets the Scale of NBG0 Screen display.

sclFixed Point X an Y scaling values
The minimum scale that can be displayed is determined by The Scale Limit, Scaling values lower than the minimum will be clamped to the minimum

Member Data Documentation

◆ CellAllocSize

int SRL::VDP2::ScrollScreen< NBG0 , Id, On >::CellAllocSize

Size of manually allocated VRAM for Cel Data