SaturnRingLibrary 0.7
SGL wrapper
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NSRLSaturn ring library
 NBitmapBitmap loading
 CBitmapInfoBitmap information
 CIBitmapBasic bitmap interface
 CPaletteColor palette loaded from bitmap
 CTGATGA image handling
 CLoaderSettingsSettings for TGA loader
 NInputInput handling
 CAnalogGeneric analog peripheral
 CDigitalGeneric digital peripheral
 CGunLight gun peripheral
 CManagementPeripheral management
 CPeripheralGenericGeneric peripheral base
 CPointerGeneric pointing (mouse) peripheral
 NLoggerLogger namespace that holds the logger functionality
 CLogLog class
 CLogLevelHelperLog levels helper class
 NSGLSGL helpers
 CSglTypeSGL type helper
 NSoundSound handling
 CCddaCD audio playback
 CAnalysisCD audio analysis
 CFrequencyVolumeFrequency volume analysis
 CTotalVolumeTotal volume analysis
 CHardwareSound hardware handling
 CPcmPCM playback
 CIPcmFileBase PCM file interface
 CRawPcmRaw PCM sound
 CWaveSoundWave sound effect
 NTilemapVDP2 tilemap interface and utilities
 CCoordUnsigned 8 bit coordinates for tiles withing a page of a tilemap
 CITilemapVirtual interface for tilemap
 CTilemapInfoAll the info necessary to properly configure VDP2 tilemap data in VRAM
 NTypesValue types
 CAngleAngle value
 CAttributeFace attributes
 CDateTimeTime management
 CEventEvent delegate
 CFxpFixed point type and math by
 CHighColorColor in ABGR1555 format
 CColorsPredefined colors
 CITaskAbstract class that defines the class prototype to implement a Task that runs on Slave SH2
 CMatrixTransformation matrix
 CMemberProxyThis proxy is used to interface with member functions
 CMesh3D mesh
 CPolygonMesh polygon
 CSmoothMesh3D smooths mesh
 CTrueColorColor in ABGR1888 format
 CColorsPredefined colors
 CVector2D2D vector
 CVector3D3D vector
 CASCIIInterface for displaying ASCII text. Currently a direct replacement for slPrint. It removes any possible dependency on NBG0 system variables and displays 4bpp fonts to reduce required memory. Allows Storing and displaying up to 6 fonts and 8 color pallets
 CCdFile and CD access wrapper
 CFileDisk file
 CFileSizeFile size
 CTableOfContentsTable of contents of the CD
 CSessionSession data
 CTrackInformationTrack information data
 CTrackLocationTrack location data
 CCoreCore functions of the library
 CCRAMColor RAM management
 CPaletteColor palette in color RAM
 CDebugDebug helper
 CMathMath functions
 CRandomPseudo-Random number generator
 CMemoryDynamic memory management
 CCartRamMalloc for expansion cart RAM
 CHighWorkRamMalloc for main system RAM
 CLowWorkRamMalloc for slower system RAM
 CReportContains report of the state
 CScene2DRendering of VDP1 sprites and shapes
 CScene3DRendering of 3D objects
 CSlaveCore functions of the library
 CTVContains TV resolutions
 CVDP1VDP1 control functions
 CTextureVDP1 texture
 CTextureMetadataMetadata for texture
 CVDP2VDP2 control
 CNBG0NBG0 interface
 CNBG1NBG1 interface
 CNBG2NBG2 interface
 CNBG3NBG3 interface
 CRBG0RBG0 interface
 CScrollScreenFunctionality available to all Scroll Screen interfaces
 CSpriteLayerInterface to control VDP2 settings for the Sprite Layer (data from VDP1 framebuffer), such as Display priority and VDP2 color calculation)
 CVRAMManages VDP2 VRAM allocation