This is the complete list of members for SRL::Memory, including all inherited members.
autonew | SRL::Memory | related |
cartnew | SRL::Memory | related |
CartRam enum value | SRL::Memory | |
Free(void *ptr) | SRL::Memory | inlinestatic |
GetFreeSpace(const Zone zone) | SRL::Memory | inlinestatic |
GetSize(const Zone zone) | SRL::Memory | inlinestatic |
GetUsedSpace(const Zone zone) | SRL::Memory | inlinestatic |
hwnew | SRL::Memory | related |
HWRam enum value | SRL::Memory | |
Initialize() | SRL::Memory | inlinestatic |
lwnew | SRL::Memory | related |
LWRam enum value | SRL::Memory | |
Malloc(size_t size, const SRL::Memory::Zone zone) | SRL::Memory | inlinestatic |
MemSet(void *destination, const uint8_t value, const size_t length) | SRL::Memory | inlinestatic |
PlacementMalloc(size_t size, uint32_t address) | SRL::Memory | inlinestatic |
PlacementMalloc(size_t size, void *address) | SRL::Memory | inlinestatic |
Zone enum name | SRL::Memory |